Monsoon Butterfly invasion

..the joys of rain

Drawing to the end of August 2021 and southern Arizona has experienced a magnificent Monsoon. Rainfall has exceed our annual rainfall in just one month. At the end of July, after 18 months of almost no rain, the desert had dried and the natural world seemed dead. We braced for a repeat performance of last year with summer temperatures over 100F for over 100 days. But then the rains came. Almost over night the desert greened, cactus bloomed and the wonderful smell of the creosote bush engulfed the humid atmosphere. A while later butterflies of all description appeared. This, the Queen, is often confused with the Monarch butterfly and indeed it is similar, even enjoying milkweed to lay its eggs. This particular butterfly found a safe place to perch on my bird fountain. The calcified edge created enough texture for it’s legs to grasp the edge and sip at the damp surface of the pot.

The Arizona Water Trilogy Story

…what we do, how we live and how blind faith is hard to derail

three images of my water use sculptures arranged in a horizontal line, with captions that tell the water story as I see it

As many of you know I have been working on developing a strategy to tell “The Arizona Water Story” as I see it so far. With the help of Photoshop, some creative editing of my thoughts, and printing on Aluminum, I finally have a strategy. I have morphed the three sculptures into 2D prints. When aligned together, they tell the story….

It’s not what we know,
but what we do
when we don’t know.

Humanity exists
on a thin line
Nature’s resilience

Natures’s Forces
may finally shake our faith in
Market Forces

Water Trilogy Metal Prints

For some time now I have been looking for ways to show my work as an integrated visual narrative. By manipulating the digital images of the sculptures, adding short narratives with the titles, and printing them on aluminium plates I have been able to tell one whole story that inspired the original sculptures.

Each image is printed on 11″ x 14″aluminum – US$150.00 ea